Why is it important

Increase Brand Equity by presenting a Consistent, Professional look and feel.

Well written, well designed marketing materials that properly represent your brand, give you a more professional look and feel and can boost your credibility. Whether you want to make the next sale, better represent your product line or just refresh your brand, professionally created and maintained materials bring value to your company.

How can we help

In addition to managing the entire process of updating and producing better marketing materials, we can help you design, write and produce all the following and more:

Application Guides and Engineering Bulletins
Training Manuals
Product Data Sheets
Capabilities presentations and Templates

Who can we help

Young but established businesses that don’t have marketing departments
Growing businesses that need more marketing materials produced than they can handle
Mature businesses that want a refreshed look and feel
Any other business that simply recognizes the value of a marketing materials facelift

Why Frain Partners

Your brand, your brand message and your brand voice are all important to effectively develop professional grade marketing materials. Our experience covers virtually everything you need to produce in the B2B world. We have a strong background in extremely technical industries and are adept at converting technical speak to common understandable language.

How can we help?